Psoriasis Excellence Program
Values in Psoriasis Care:
From Patients to Payers
What is the Psoriasis Excellence Program?
The Psoriasis Excellence Program for European Dermatologists (PEP) is a unique 3-day-seminar of patient-centered value education. The program takes place in the beautiful city of Hamburg in Northern Germany and is led by internationally leading experts to provide state of the art knowledge on psoriasis management.
Learning objectives
Obtaining a comprehensive state of the art view of delivery of care in Psoriasis
Understanding the importance of the payer perspectives
Evolve the ability to construct a comprehensive clinical and economic value proposition
Understand methodologies and value of phase III and post marketing evidence
Translating the peculiarities of each country with regard to the healthcare environment into national treatment goals and long-haul perspectives in psoriasis healthcare
„Creating values“ by optimizing…
efficiency of patient management
power of outcomes measurement
quality of care
performance of clinical study centers
effectiveness of health economic planning
arguments to payers
stringent self-management in practice
strength of reporting to hospital administration
Learn from internationally leading experts

Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Augustin
Institute for Health Services Research in Dermatology and Nursing (IVDP)
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

Prof. Dr. med. Marc Radtke
Director Clinical Research – CeDeF
Institute for Health Services Research in Dermatology and Nursing (IVDP)
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Enno Christophers
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mrowietz
Prof. Dr. Kristian Reich
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sonja Ständer
Prof. Dr. Diamant Thaci
Meet dermatologists from all over the world
Aside from the lectures the program includes multiple possibilities to network with fellow dermatologists from all over the world.
All participants of the seminar recieve exclusive access to the secure PEP area.
There you can download:
- Relevant publications
- Presentations and slides
- Pictures of the seminar and social events
All participants of PEP 2017 and PEP 2018 please refer to the secure area at instead.

Institute for Health Services Research in Dermatology and Nursing
Director: Prof. Dr. Matthias Augustin
University Medical Center Hamburg
Martinistr. 52
20246 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. +49-40-7410-55428
Fax +49-40-7410-55348
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